Sunday, October 26, 2014

Are You A Spiritual Leper?

Are You A Spiritual Leper?

Matthew 8:2&3 NIV
2 A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."
3 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy.

   I always thought lepers lost their fingers and other body parts because the parts rotted off.  Not entirely correct.  The parts are lost because the person has a nerve disease that prevents them from feeling pain.  Not being able to feel pain lets them injure themselves over and over until a body part catches gangrene or is damaged beyond the ability to heal and is lost.
   I have known many Christians who have a type of leprosy:  spiritual leprosy.  They followed their own desires and sinned and then ignored God when He tried to call them back to Him.  They kept ignoring the feelings of remorse their conscience gave them until their hearts were so damaged that they are beyond the ability to feel anymore.  Some have even kept damaging their heart until parts of it die and they lose the ability to heal. 
   Leprosy diagnosed in its early stages is easy to treat and control.  Once one of the most feared diseases known to mankind, now it is a rare disease requiring lifetime treatment, just like cancer patients, heart patients, diabetes patients and others who require a lifetime of treatment to keep well. 
   Spiritual leprosy is a dangerous condition found in some Christians.  First there is numbness in the heart and you fail to respond to God’s movements in your life.  Then the ears get deaf and you no longer hear His call to you to come back to Him.  You begin to lose other spiritual aspects of your life and eventually your spirit dies and you become hollow inside, and you no longer are capable of receiving anything from God. 
   There is good news, though!  There is hope for you if the spiritual leprosy is diagnosed early and you seek treatment.  In its early stages it requires a simple dose of prayer and seeking God and then requires a lifetime of treatment.  So simple.  A prayer and a little remorse for having sinned against God and you’re in remission and recovery.    
   I, like every other Christian I have spoken to, have points of weakness in my life.  There are sins I never commit because I am not tempted by them.  There are sins I do commit because I have a weakness towards those areas.  And our Adversary knows where to attack us, and probes these spiritual weaknesses.  So we need to take our medicine regularly as a preventative measure.  Read the Bible daily and pray often.  Reading the Bible feeds your spirit and makes you stronger and better able to resist attacks.  Praying connects you to God and when you are close to God you will be less likely to want to sin. 
   And never forget the He is willing that you get well.  You just have to ask!  If you suspect you have numbness around your heart or your ears don’t hear God clearly anymore, seek treatment immediately.  If your eyes wander and are hard to focus on the words in your Bible, seek treatment.  There is no danger in taking treatment even if you don’t have spiritual leprosy.  Treatment is not harmful to a healthy spirit and will actually help you grow. 

Stephen Cram                                   October 26, 2014                                

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, following the tradition of men according to the rudiments of the world, and not in accordance with Christ. 

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Unless otherwise noted all Scripture is from the New King James Version of the Bible.

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