Sunday, August 24, 2014

Do You Tremble At His Word?

Do You Tremble At His Word?

Isaiah 66:1&2
“Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool.
Where is the house that you will build Me?
And where is the place of My rest?
2 For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist,”
Says the Lord.
“But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,
And who trembles at My word.

  I still find verses that speak new lessons to me, even after nearly 39 years as a Christian.  I believe you can never get to a place where you can say, “I’ve learned all the Bible can teach me.”  The Bible contains too many truths to learn in a lifetime.
   Anyway, I read through the last chapter of Isaiah and this verse leapt out at me.  God has made all things and knows all things so what is it He could possibly be looking for? 
   According to verse 2 He is looking for someone who is humble and meek of spirit and who trembles at His Word.  It made me stop and ask myself if I still tremble at His Word.  And I had to be truthful:  I don’t.  Have I become too comfortable with His Word?  Do I take it granted and not hold it in the esteem I should?  It is God’s Word!  It is the words that come from the very heart of God Almighty. It is the one book that gives us answers to life and to how to live that life.  It is invaluable and it is awesome in wisdom and instruction.  And we get home from church and throw it on a table and there it sits.    
   This verse made me stop and ask God for forgiveness for not holding His Word in the proper esteem.  Oh Lord, I don’t see Your Word like that.  Am I so busy teaching it that I don’t see it for the wonder it is?  Somewhere along the line, I stopped trembling at Your Word.  I must realize You are looking at the earth for someone who trembles still, someone who hears Your Word and cries out, ‘Wow! That came from God!  I just read words sent to me from God almighty, from the great I AM!’”
   When you view the Word of God like that, you realize how much you need to listen, how much you need to absorb those words into your spirit.  Not just study the Bible, but to see that they are the very words of God.  Lord, rise up a people that will take the Bible literally and seriously!
   Can you imagine yourself sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to Him talk?  When you read the Gospels, you are!  Can you imagine traveling with Paul hearing him preach?  When you read the epistles, you are!  Read the Transfiguration on the Mount and see the three disciples tremble when God’s voice calls out from heaven.  You can pick up the Bible and see God’s Words calling to you from heaven!  The Words come from the very Throne of God!
   If you have not read Psalms 119 recently, do so.  You will hear the heart’s cry of a man who trembled at God’s Word.  David learned the value of God’s Word and he knew the power they contain.  He knew his life was forever changed by those words and wanted to know all he could learn from them.
   I want that in my life.  I want to regain my awe of the Bible and the mysteries revealed in it.  I want to tremble at His Word again.

Stephen Cram                      August 24, 2014                                             

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, following the tradition of men according to the rudiments of the world, and not in accordance with Christ. 

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Unless otherwise noted all Scripture is from the New King James Version of the Bible.

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