Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Woman

The Woman

John 4:39 NKJV
 “And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.””

   When I read the Gospel of John, the woman at the Samaritan well always draws my attention.   If you’ve ever doubted whether or not God works in mysterious ways, just re-read this story.  There are so many aspects of this story that are hard to grasp.  She timed her visit to the well to avoid contact with anyone else.  Her relationship with others must have had severe problems if she did that.  Why would anyone want to walk to the well in the hottest time of the day, draw water, and carry the heavy buckets back home in the heat of the mid-day sun?  And then Jesus, an unmarried male Jew, begins a conversation with a Samaritan woman of unknown marital status.  Any decent Jewish man wouldn’t be caught in the same area with such a woman, and yet here is Jesus starting a conversation with her; and a very personal conversation at that.  I often wonder if Jesus had supernatural fore-knowledge, or did the Holy Spirit give Him knowledge as the conversation went on.  Whichever it was, He looked beyond her many sins and meets the deepest need of her hardened heart.  His connection with her sparks a two day revival in Samaria.   There is no one else who would have chosen her to serve as an evangelist.   
   Why does this story speak to us so powerfully?  It demonstrates and demonstrates clearly that no one is beyond hope.  Here is five-time loser who is shaking up with yet another man and hiding from the public eye in her shame, and yet God’s grace reaches down in love and heals even her heart.  She goes from loser to witness in a very short time.
   Around the foot of the cross were many people who needed Him but didn’t know it, while on the next cross was a loser who did know it.  So Jesus promises that loser eternal life on the spot.  “TODAY you shall be with Me in Paradise.”   I wonder how many others there that day went into eternity without Christ when He was there right in front of them. 
   Jesus sees the hearts and intents of people, yet He loves us anyway.  Jesus reaches out to those who seek and knock and search for Him, yes, but He also finds those who don’t know they need Him and aren’t even looking.  I’ve watched unsaved people who think they’ve got life all figured out fall under the Holy Spirit’s conviction.  When God calls your name, you will answer whether or not you want to; even if it only to say “no” to Him.  I have a belief that no one will stand before the Great White Throne and be judged who will be able to say, “Gee, I didn’t know you were calling to me.”  I believe everyone will have an opportunity to say “yes.” He wants everyone to be saved and there is room enough around the cross for everyone.      
   He even works of Christians like this.  Jesus knows your heart better than you do, and if you’re being pushed this way and that and under conviction by the Holy Spirit, you want to stop and examine yourself.  Seek counseling and find out what it is in your life that He wants to change. 
   Keep praying for that unsaved person you have on your heart.  Keep praying for that Christian struggling with a problem.  God will answer and reach out to them in love.

Stephen Cram                   February 5, 2012                   Colossians 2:8

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.  Colossians 2:8 


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