Living a Gated Life
Proverbs 4: 23,
23 Keep your heart
with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.
26 Ponder the path
of your feet, And let all your ways be established.
27 Do not turn to
the right or the left; Remove your foot from evil.
The term
"gated community" is used in real estate ads to describe a secure living
community, one that is actively guarded.
It usually means that a wall with a gate surrounds the property, and
everyone who goes in and out is monitored. There is usually a guard who stands at the
gate as extra security. Residents who
live in gated communities feel more secure because they know the entrances to
their home are protected.
I’ve learned
that my life needs to have some security to guard me against unwanted
intruders. There are a lot of
temptations that will come right up to the door of your heart and barge right
in and try to make themselves at home.
False teaching will creep in if you’re not careful. It slides into the corners of your heart and
lies in wait to spread its poison into your life. The only way to keep your heart secure is to
guard the door. Proverbs 4 tells us to
"guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." We
need to monitor what we allow into our lives and block access to what is
harmful to us. If a burglar came to your
door and knocked, you would not step back and say, Come on in! Welcome!
Feel free take my jewelry, my TV and my money. Take it all!”
No, of course not. You’d slam the
door in their face, lock it, and call the cops.
Or if a person comes and walks into your house and announces he’s a
rapist and he’s looking for a victim, you’d defend your family.
We need to treat
our hearts with as much caution. When a
temptation comes, don’t invite it in.
You can’t sit next to a temptation and think you’ll be safe. If it’s there it’s a danger to you. You can’t listen to false teaching and say, “I’ll
just hear what they have to say.” Don’t! Keep false teaching away from your
communities require a lot of diligence 24 hours a day 7 days a week. So does your heart. You never know in advance when a temptation
will come to you, so you must have a plan in mind so you will know how to react
when one comes to you. You must not let
it have access to you heart. No one will
guard your heart for you. It is your
duty to keep your eyes on the truth and your feet on the right path.
A guarded heart
will benefit us in many ways. If we
guard what we see and what we listen to, it will affect our whole lives. There is so much in life that will turn our
eyes and catch our ears if we let it. It
is no sin to be tempted, but it is if we dwell on the temptation. In a guarded life we choose the right paths
and do not swerve. Our lives must be directed
by His Word. We need to live by the principles
written there for us.
Pray regularly
and read the Word regularly. Only the
truth will keep your heart safe.
Stephen Cram
April 27,
Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through
philosophy and vain deceit, following the tradition of men according to the
rudiments of the world, and not in accordance with Christ.
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Unless otherwise noted all Scripture is from the New King
James Version of the Bible.