Doctrine of Sin
Acts 4:12
Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other
name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
“Sin” is a word that seems to be used very
lightly at times. There’s a brand of
desserts that are named “Sinfully Delicious.”
Sin is used in light-hearted ways as though it’s a small thing to
sin. But you can’t read very far in the
Bible without seeing that sin is considered a really big deal by God.
The reason for Jesus coming to us in a
fleshly body and dying on the cross was to deal with sin. Why?
Because sin, for humanity, goes back to the very first man and the very
first woman who didn’t make it far even living in perfect conditions without
indulging in sin. And please stop
blaming Satan like he was solely responsible.
He didn’t force the fruit down anyone’s throat. They ate willingly. And that is the word that best describes our sin
problem – will.
Growing up in a Roman Catholic dominated
area, I heard a lot about the concept of “Original Sin.” Simply put, “original sin” was an inherited condition
we get from Adam and Eve. When Adam
sinned, his sin condemned the rest of us to paying the consequences for his sin. We inherit the punishment for this sin. I once heard a preacher describe it as though
a kind of nuclear bomb had gone off at the beginning of human history, and its radioactivity
of sin has spread down to us through time and space. This original sin has given us a sin nature
that tends toward rebellion and disobedience.
And anyone who has raised kids knows that you don’t have to teach
disobedience and rebellion to your kids – they tend to do it naturally.
This sin condition we inherited is fatal in
100% of cases. The good news is that
there is a cure. When Jesus allowed
Himself to be beaten and nailed to a cross, He paid for this miracle medicine
that cures us from the curse of sin. Just
before He died, Jesus said three words – “it is finished.” God’s plan of redemption was complete;
salvation was come to a lost world. I
doubt we will know all that happened that day or all it means to us until we go
to be with the Lord in eternity. But we
see a glimpse from time to time and we saw one in our church this week.
A young girl, a friend of the pastor’s
daughter, came to Bible study. Pastor
was talking about witnessing and the girl responded to what he said. She said she realized that she was a sinner
and wanted to know how she could be saved.
He gave her the opportunity to say the sinner’s prayer and she did. She was translated from death to life and
from eternity separated from God to eternity with the Lord. Her decision caused the angels in heaven to
rejoice and offer praises to God.
Salvation is a miracle and we were privileged to see this one
happen. She received the cure for sin. The curse lifted off her and she received
eternal life.
Was this a chance encounter? I think not.
I don’t believe it was a coincidence, I believe the Holy Spirit arranged
for her to be there and to hear salvation being described.
Jesus came to give life to a sinful world
and He welcomes all who come to Him. He
removes the curse of sin to all who ask.
Keep witnessing to the unsaved in your life and give them the chance to
be delivered from death to life.
Cram March 31,
2013 Colossians 2:8
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy
and vain deceit, following the tradition of men according to the rudiments of
the world, and not in accordance with Christ.